Reading Log (Short Story)


Name: Salma Sahrul Ramadan

NPM: 222122018

Class: A






Why I am interested to read

Questions before I read



The Hungry Mouse, The Lion and The Mouse, Strong or Weak

because I was curious when I saw the title

Is there anything we can learn from the story?



The Diamond Ring, The Sun and The Wind, Fox and Crow

From the title I am already curious and it seems interesting

What is the content of the story?



The Ant and The Dove, Tippy and Kitty, The Foolish Deer

because I want to read it and it seems like the story is exciting

How is the story?



A Poor Little Girl, Bell The Cat, Concentration

I was curious to read it and it seemed that there was a moral to be gained from the story

What lessons will be learned from that story?


Day 1


Date: 31 March 2023



Title & Page

The Hungry Mouse


Short stories app – bed time stories – the hungry mouse


mouse and rat

Main point of the story

The main point of the story is that there is a mouse that is hungry he has no food, one day the mouse sees a basket filled with corn and there is a small hole in the basket and the mouse enters it.

because the mouse had not eaten for days so the mouse ate a lot of corn and became very fat, as a result the mouse could not get out of the basket anymore because he got fat and couldn't get out of the small hole.

New vocabularies found

strenuous, sufficient


the story is interesting and the lesson we get is that something that is too much is indeed not good. and if we need something then just as necessary do not overdo it.


Day 1


Date: 31 March 2023



Title & Page

The Lion and The Mouse


Short stories app – kids stories – the lion and the mouse


Lion and mouse

Main point of the story

one day a lion was sleeping in a jungle and was woken up by the mouse, the lion became angry and wanted to eat the mouse. the rat begged not to eat him and he promised to help the lion. the lion let him go. Once upon a time the lion was caught in a trap, the lion roared and the mouse heard it and then helped the lion, the lion was free and the lion thanked the mouse for helping him.

New vocabularies found



The story is interesting, we can learn to always do good to anyone indiscriminately, because by doing good we will also get good treatment by others.


Day 1


Date: 31 March 2023



Title & Page

Strong or Weak


Short stories app – short stories – strong or weak


teak tree and small herb

Main point of the story

there is a proud teak tree in the forest, he is tall and strong. there is a small herb beside the tree.

the teak tree said he was very handsome and strong. no one can beat me. hearing this, herb replied, being too much pride is harmful. even the strong will fall one day.

the teak ignored the herb's words, he continued to praise himself,

One day, there was a storm in the forest and the teak could no longer hold it and was weak. but in the end he fell.

New vocabularies found



the story is good, i like the herb he is very good. from the story it is true that we should not be arrogant or too proud is not good. as strong as we are, or as strong as anything, there will definitely be a fall.


Day 2


Date: 01 April 2023



Title & Page

The Diamond Ring



Old man and his three sons

Main point of the story

An old man gives his money and gold to his sons. and he showed them his diamond ring but he will not give it to them immediately, but the sons must do the most noble deeds and then tell him about their noble deeds. then he will give his diamond ring to one of his children. And all his sons told him their noble deeds and the father gave the diamond ring to his third son, because the other sons did noble deeds to their friends but the third son saved his enemy which was the noblest deed said the father, so he gave the diamond ring to his third son.

New vocabularies found

noble deeds


The story is good, so when doing noble deeds are not only done to good people but enemies we can help or we do noble deeds, and with all noble deeds or helping people will be rewarded directly or indirectly.


Day 2


Date: 01 April 2023



Title & Page

The Sun and The Wind


Short stories app – kids stories – the sun and the wind


Sun, wind, and traveller

Main point of the story

In the fall, the sun and the wind argued that the wind was the strongest but the sun said gently "no, you are not". when they saw a traveller the wind said whoever could separate the blanket from the traveller was the strongest. And the wind began to blow harder and harder but the traveller held his blanket tightly. The wind failed and when the sun smiled gently and warmly the traveller began to loosen and let go of his blanket. and the sun was declared the strongest.

New vocabularies found

boasted, tighter and firmer


the story is good, it teaches us not to be arrogant because it is not good, fury or force cannot break the ice, in any situation we must remain gentle.


Day 2


Date: 01 April 2023



Title & Page

Fox and Crow


Short stories app – 100 famous stories – fox and crow


Fox and crow

Main point of the story

A fox saw a crow flying with a piece of cheese and landed on a tree trunk.

The fox approached the crow and praised how bright your eye, how beautiful the crow's voice was, and the fox wanted to listen to the crow's voice then when the crow made a sound and his mouth opened and automatically the cheese fell to the ground. and that's where the fox stole the crow's cheese.

New vocabularies found

branch, feathers


The story is good, but it's a pity that the crow was deceived by the fox. It's true not to trust someone who praises us too much because there must be something in disguise. Although it's not all so, but we still have to be careful always.


Day 3


Date: 03 April 2023



Title & Page

The Ant and The Dove


Short stories app – stories for kids – the ant and the dove


the ant, dove and hunter

Main point of the story

there was an ant looking for water, and when he got to a spring he had to climb a blade of grass but he slipped, seeing that the dove quickly picked a leaf and dropped it into the water and the ant moved towards the leaf and climbed on it. just then the hunter threw his net at the dove and the ant bit the hunter's heel and feeling the pain the hunter let go of his net. and the dove flew to safety.

New vocabularies found

plucked, towards


The story is good, interesting. I like the story because the ant and the dove are very helpful.


Day 3


Date: 03 April 2023



Title & Page

Tippy and Kitty



tippy dog, kitty cat, Donny and Donny's father

Main point of the story

Tippy and Kitty live at Donny's house, Donny liked them very much but they always fight. One night, the robbers came to Donny's house, Tippy barked loudly and the robber approached Tippy with a stick to beat Tippy. Then Kitty ran and scratched hard at the robber and the robber was in pain, Donny and his father came out and caught the robber. Tippy thanks Kitty and they become good friends.

New vocabularies found

quarreled, scratched, shrieked


I like the story to be good, when the dog and the cat were always fighting but one night the cat helped the dog and made them good friends that I liked.


Day 3


Date: 03 April 2023



Title & Page

The Foolish Deer


Short stories app – stories for kids – the foolish deer


Deer and the hunter

Main point of the story

While a deer was grazing in the forest, some hunters came and shot arrows at him, when the deer hid he could not control his patience and started eating leaves and the hunters heard the rustling of leaves and saw the deer then the hunter shot arrows and the deer died.

New vocabularies found

nibbling, bushes


The story is interesting, but it's a pity that the deer had to die. And we can learn that when in situations of danger we must remain careful, should keep patient and behave intelligently.


Day 4


Date: 04 April 2023



Title & Page

A Poor Little Girl


Short stories app – general – a poor little girl


rich lady, girl child

Main point of the story

A rich lady want adopted a girl child. For this, she gave advertisements in various newspapers. Many poor women came to sell their daughters to her, and rich lady gave her money to go to the market and buy her favourite things, On returning, all the girls showed the rich lady the things they had bought, but one poor girl bought a prayer book and needle, inspiring the lady to adapt her to worship and hard work.

New vocabularies found



The story is good, very touching when there is a little girl buying a prayer book and needles which reminds her to always work hard and pray.


Day 4


Date: 04 April 2023



Title & Page

Bell The Cat



The grocer, cat and

Main point of the story

There was a grocery shop in a town. Plenty of mice lived in that grocery shop. They ate everything and spoiled all the bags. The grocer got really worried and the, the grocer bought a cat and let it stay at the grocery shop, but the cat had a nice time hunting the mice and killing them. The mice wanted to do something, so they held a meeting and decided to tie a bell around the cat's neck. However, no one was there to answer the question of who would tie the bell.

New vocabularies found

grocer, mice, brooded


The story is good and we get that there is a solution but with that solution no one dares to do it is just nonsense, the same with empty solutions are of no worth.


Day 4


Date: 04 April 2023



Title & Page



Short stories app – moral - concentration


some youths and a saint

Main point of the story

The youths went to a jungle to practice shooting, but none of them could hit a single pot. A saint, who was watching them, took the gun and fired at the pots, smashing them one by one. The youths were amazed to see this and asked the saint if he was a magician. The saint replied, "I am neither a magician nor a sharpshooter. I just concentrated and the result is in front of you. One should always work with concentration." The youths thanked him for his advice.

New vocabularies found



The story is very good and interesting. It is true that when doing something we must focus and concentrate in order to get the results we want to achieve


What character do you like most? Why?

I like the character of a saint in concentration stories, because he teaches us to concentrate on doing or working on something.
